What parents can learn from – Money Heist
So sitting at home in the lock down due to corona virus outbreak, I came across this series on Netflix – Money Heist. After watching all the parts of the series, came to the conclusion, that we as parent can learn a few things from the series.

1. Communication is important – It is always good to talk to kids whether big or small. Communication should not be one way but, both sides. If you are talking to your children, you have to listen as well as understand their point of view.
2. Always have plan B ready – We as parents think a lot about the kids and their future, however the future is uncertain and there is a possibility that we have to divert from our plan. So, it’s best to have a plan B ready.
3. Everything comes with time – “Money Heist” series was not a hit in Spain. But when Netflix aired it to the world, it became a hit. Every child is unique and different from other, so parents do not compare them with others. Even siblings are different, do not put pressure on them to be like or do things like others are doing. Each one of them will shine like a bright star when the time is right.
4. Girls are as good as boys – In today’s time girls can do whatever the boys can do. Given the chance, education and training required they can do wonders.
5. Everybody makes mistakes – In the series we can see that after all the planning for the Heist, there were individuals who made mistakes including the professor. In real life also no one is perfect everyone makes mistakes, kids too. A mistake made by your kid is not something very unique and gives you reason to give them harsh punishment (until a blunder). Keep pointing on the kid’s mistake will only make the child less confident and in return he will be hesitant to try something new.
6. Family Dinners are important – Family dinners are good time to discuss family matters. Discussing matters with Kids and taking their opinion is a good thing. We can discuss the age appropriate things with kids or just what everyone has done in the day and planning to do the next day will be good.
7. It’s good to have family secret word – A family secret word can be as a signal that something is wrong in the family and it is safe to go with the stranger or any other person sent by the elders in the family. The child will be sure that the person came to pick up know the family and it is safe.
8. Pressure creates disturbance in mind – Forcing your kids to do something they are not interested in or not comfortable doing is very harmful. It will hurt the kid emotionally and will make it difficult to concentrate and do what is required.
9. Siblings might fight but also love each other – As individuals, everyone has their point of view and can agree or disagree with others but as a family they will always love each other.
10. Money is not everything – As parents we spend a lot of money in the upbringing and to build their future but that does not mean that what we are planning for them is also, something which they want. The most important thing is they should be happy in what they are doing.
11. Make good memories – Good memories are something which we remember in tough times. Having good memories will always bring positivity.
Love your kids unconditionally.
How can I forget Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao….
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