High water content fruits to stay hydrated in summer
Increasing intake of water in summer is important to stay hydrated at all times, you can also get water from fruits. There are many fruits which have high water content, including these fruits in your diet, can help contribute a large amount of water.

Orange is 87% water and also has Vitamin C and Potassium.

Pineapple is 86% water and is also rich in Vitamin B, potassium, Vitamin C and Manganese

Apple is 85.5% water and also has fibers and Vitamin C

With 92% water, water melon also has calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

Strawberry’s are 91% of water and are also rich in Vitamin c, Manganese, Folate and Potassium.

With 90% of water, musk melons are also rich in potassium and vitamin C.

89% of water, Peaches have high content of Vitamin C, A, E, K, Potassium, phosphorus, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc and copper. Peaches are low in calories

Grapes are 82% water. It also contains carbohydrate, Potassium, Calcium and Fibers.

Banana’s are very healthy, with 74% water, it also contain Vitamins B6 and C, Copper, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Net Carbs and Fibers.

Mangoes are 83% water and is great source of Vitamins A, E, B6 and C. Mango is high in fiber and low in calories. It also contains little calcium, zinc, Iron and folate.
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